Physician Mortgage Loans and Insurance Options

for Physicians, Dentists, and other eligible medical professionals

Mortgage loans with low to no down payment, no jumbo limits, no private mortgage insurance (PMI).



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What can Med Advance Financial do for you?

Physician Mortgage Loans

Loans specifically designed for physicians. Less restrictive than typical mortgage loans, and can be acquired with little to no down payment. Avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI), and jumbo limits with a physician mortgage loan.

Umbrella Policy Insurance

The least expensive insurance with the biggest payoff. Add protection to your existing insurance with an additional $1 to $5 million in coverage. Make sure you have full coverage in the event of a malpractice lawsuit or severe bodily injury from an auto accident.

Term Life Insurance

Provide a safety net for your family in case you pass early. Term life insurance is affordable and available in various packages to meet you and your family’s needs. Make sure your loved ones are protected today and far into the future.

Physician Disability Insurance

Get short and long-term coverage in the event of an injury or illness that limits or prevents you from working. Find out what type of disability insurance or combination makes the most sense for you and your practice. Group, individual, and combo options are available.

Physician Insurance

Coverage for medical professionals